Tuesday 28 October 2014

A Prayer for Everlasting Light

On the Auspicious occasion of Deepavali, here is a Prayer, wishing humanity, Happiness, now and forever.

A Prayer for Everlasting Light

I am a spark of the Divine.
I have a responsibility to myself
I have a responsibility to my family
I have a responsibility to my society.
Recognize I can. Recognize I must. Recognize I will.

I shall strive to see the truth in the eyes.
I shall imbibe values, that will remove the friction in my journey.
Development of Knowledge, Skills and Competence, continuously shall be my three fold mantra to liberation.
I shall evolve and strive to understand and play to my true strengths.
Leverage I can. Leverage I must. Leverage I will.

I continue to be intrigued by equations of a parent
I continue to be stumped by a relationship, where giving can never exceed receiving
I continue to be intrigued by how a woman can love more than a man. I continue to be intrigued by the mysterious equations of love.
I continue to marvel at the greatest social invention called family.
Pay Forward, I can. Pay Forward, I must. Pay Forward I will.

I continue to be in awe of the genius of the creativity of the human being.
I continue to be in awe of the fascinating progress made by human civilization despite natural calamities, colossal tragedies and pestilential wars.
I continue to be a beneficiary of the contributions made by our forefathers.
I continue to be humbled at my own insignificance in the columns of colossus that straddled this world.
Give Back, I can. Give Back, I must. Give Back, I will.

“Aum Asato mā sad gamaya
Tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
Mṛtyormā amṛtam gamaya
Aum śānti śānti śāntiḥ ” (Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1.3.28)

meaning of which is -

“From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality
Aum peace, peace, peace ” -

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